Welcome traveler!

This is nothing more than a little space on the internet where I can share my interests and play with html.

I have some things I'd like to put here, but mostly just personal stuff and infodumps.
Some things here may seem very silly to you but they're really important to me so please be nice.

The title of the site means "thorny devil" and it's the name of this little desert lizard β™‘ β†˜

photo of a 'thorny devil' lizard in the desert sand. The thorny devil is a brown spiky lizard with two large horned scales on its head wich make it look like a dragon or a devil.
Credits to BΓ€ras, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

I highly reccomend to visit the little MK in the sitemap. I had to move him there don't let him feel alone :( I promise he will tell you nice things.

The music player tends to be slow so please have patience.

Also, this site should work both on Firefox and Chrome but it was mostly made on Firefox so that's where it works better.



Artist: Artist
Album: Album
00:00 Duration
  • Title1 - ArtistDuration
  • Title2 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration
  • Title3 - ArtistDuration

music player code by odditycommoddity!

Change log


🌻 --- Added about page, notebook and collection. Still work in progress tho. 🌻

🌻 --- Wow I haven't written here in a pretty long time well, I've changed everything again... hopefully for the last time now. I really want to start working on someting else than home and navigation bar 🌻

🌻 --- I almost fucked up everything I'm so happy it's all back to normal T-T 🌻

🌻 --- I've realised the sintax here REALLY sucks so now I have to fix EVERYTHING to make css work properly. 🌻

🌻 --- Trying new layouts. 🌻

🌻 --- Added links page and now working on graphics collection. 🌻

I changed the index but I don't like it yet. Anyway the gif there should be showed still if the preferences are reduced motion but idk how to check if it works :( 🌻

🌻 --- Added navigation bar and made index.html a bit better. Added Guestbook. Sitemap is now reachable (despite mostly empty). Next I'm gonna add some decorations and make the graphics collection page. I should go to study now. 🌻

🌻 --- Changed completely layout. I'm still trying to figure out stuff. 🌻

🌻 --- Made a sitemap, a to-do list and some other random things (currently not accessible) 🌻

🌻 --- First layout 🌻

🌻 --- The website is born! 🌻

This website's button!


<a href="https://diavolo-spinoso.neocities.org"><img src="https://diavolo-spinoso.neocities.org/images/buttons/diavolospinoso-now.gif" alt="Diavolo Spinoso"></a>